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WooCommerce Delivery Area Pro. Allows Visitors & Store Customers To Verify Product Delivery Location Before Actually Placing The Order!

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Last Updated - 25 January 2023 @ 12:49 AM  » Changelog


WooCommerce Delivery Area Pro

A must-have WooCommerce Extension that allows your site customers to check whether a product of your shop can be delivered to their desired shipping location or not. Our plugin provides 6 different methods by which admin can easily create & save their delivery areas in the back-end. When a product is enquired for delivery from front-end by the user, the user’s provided zip-code is searched/matched in all saved delivery areas and a Yes / No message is displayed to the user accordingly on the front-end.

Premium & Useful Add-Ons For Enhancing User Experience!

We also offer premium extentions / add-ons of our WooCommerce Delivery Area Plugin that implements additonal & useful & much needed functionalities. These add-ons works smoothly with our main plugin to produce very useful output / content / information.


  • Five modes for specifying product delivery area through backend for your woocommerce products.
  • Define delivery area by specifying zip codes directly.
  • Define delivery area by drawing polygon shape on google map in backend.
  • Define a whole country as delivery area for your woocommerce store.
  • Define a whole continent as delivery area for your woocommerce store.
  • Define a whole sub continent as delivery area for your woocommerce store.
  • Country Restriction – Some very few places of different countries has same zip code areas. If your product delivery area falls under such category, you can enable country restriction feature from backend by specifying your country. Enabling this feature will return faster results on the front end and avoid any confliction with other place having the same zip code. Not mandatory to enable this feature.
  • Ability to relate specified delivery areas with selected products or all products.
  • Ability to display zip code search box on product page, shop page, cart page and checkout page.
  • This Plugin creates a new tab “Product Availability” next to default tabs on every product detail page to display customers all product delivery area for that current product.
  • Tab consists of a google map which displays different polygon shapes that represent product delivery areas for that current product.
  • UI aspects of polygon shapes are manageable from the backend. Like background-color,color,stroke color etc. Admin can change the look and feel of polygons from backend.
  • Tab also consist of zip code listing for current product where product is available for shipping.
  • Auto suggest provided on product availability google map for ease of use to quickly locate a location.
  • Product availability map settings are fully manageable from backend.
  • Apply Snazzy Maps styles to your product availability map to make it more customer engaging.
  • Ability to display product availability status for each product individually on the checkout page, based on the zip code provided in the default woo-commerce check out form. So that customer can decide before placing an order.
  • Ability to stop the default checkout process if any one of the products added to the cart is not available to be shipped to the location of which user has provided zip code in the checkout form of Woo-commerce. Using this feature admin can stop taking wrong orders. The restriction is applied in the default checkout process and a proper notification message is displayed to the user for what has happened.
  • Manage errors / notification messages through backend.
  • UI aspects of product availability form can be managed from backend including background-color,color etc.
  • Easy to use backend interface.
  • Maps are 100% responsive and tested on real devices.
  • Extensible woo commerce extension that provides some hooks to change its default functionality.
  • Define a product availability By Distance From your Store radius.
  • Product Page map settings width, height, zoom level, center coordinates, snazzy map.
  • Show polygons/marker into viewport of google map.
  • Show only zipcode markers on product page’s availability map.
  • Show only polygon on product page’s availability map maps.
  • Enable country restriction for restricti all kind of delivery area pro operations related to only selected country.
  • Display zipcode markers of restricted country only on google map.
  • Display places of restricted country only on checkout page into google auto-suggest of billing address.
  • Checking of delivery area on checkout via google auto suggest or zip code manageable from back-end.
  • Enable/Disable Auto Suggest On Checkout Page.
  • You can upload custom icon for zipcode marker icon on delivery area map.
  • You could redirect on any URL if product match on store.
  • You could redirect on any URL if product not match on store.
  • Setup delivery area map language.
  • Show Delivery Date/time slot on checkout page.
  • Delivery date/time slot are manageable from plugin settings page.
  • You could create backup of collections at any time.
  • You could upload backup of collections at any time.

Additional information

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