Toolset Access GPL v2.9.2 – Access control and roles management

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Toolset Access GPL – Access plugin lets you choose what different users can do on your WordPress site. Grant privileges to entire user roles or to specific users.


Last Updated - 27 November 2024 @ 11:19 PM  » Changelog


Toolset Access GPL – Access control and roles management

Toolset Access GPL – Access plugin lets you choose what different users can do on your WordPress site. Grant privileges to entire user roles or to specific users.

Control What Users Can Do On Your Site

Access plugin lets you choose what different users can do on your WordPress site. Grant privileges to entire user roles or to specific users.

Toolset Access Features

  • Access makes it easy to build membership and paid-content sites. You can choose what to display to users who don’t have read access to content.
  • You can display the standard 404 (not found) page or use a different template when access is denied.
  • When you build membership sites, often you need to reserve parts of the page only to your site’s members. Access makes this easy. You can control access not only to entire pages, but even to specific elements inside each page.
  • The WordPress permissions system is tricky, with complex inter-dependencies. Fortunately, Access hides this complexity from you, making your administration work easy. Access will automatically set and clear required permissions for you, as you set the permissions that you need.
  • The Access box appears when you edit any content. You can create access-control content groups and set their read permissions for entire user roles or for individual users.
  • Access lets you define your own roles and choose what these roles can do in the WordPress admin. You can change the level of the role, to match its capabilities with built-in WordPress roles, or manually control capabilities.
  • Access gives you precision control over what users with custom roles can do in the WordPress admin. You can choose which admin screen your new user roles can reach and what actions they can perform.


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