Paid Memberships Pro Advanced Levels Page GPL v1.2

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Paid Memberships Pro – Advanced Levels Page An enhanced shortcode for customizing the display of your Membership Levels Page for Paid Memberships Pro.


Last Updated - 20 July 2024 @ 11:12 AM  » Changelog


Paid Memberships Pro – Advanced Levels Page

Advanced Levels Page Shortcode

Our Advanced Levels Shortcode Add On activates a new shortcode with many attributes to customize the levels page or to display level offerings and pricing tables anywhere on your membership site.

The shortcode also includes support for widely used theme frameworks/parent themes.

How it Works

This shortcode displays the Membership Levels just like the [pmpro_levels] shortcode, with extended options for customizing the display.

Getting Started

  1. PMPro Plus members can install the add on via the Memberships > Add Ons admin page.
  2. Or, download the plugin file and upload the ‘pmpro-advanced-levels-shortcode’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory of your site.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Edit your Memberships Levels page and replace the [pmpro_levels] shortcode with your customized [pmpro_advanced_levels] shortcode described below.

Note this shortcode can be used anywhere on your site – not only on the Membership Levels page.

Shortcode Example and Attributes

[pmpro_advanced_levels levels="1,3,2" layout="3col" description="true" checkout_button="Sign Me Up!" price="full"]

  • back_link: Optionally hide to “Return to Home” or “Return to Your Account” links below levels layout (default: true).
  • checkout_button: The button text for the action button (default: Select).
  • compare: Only for compare_table layout, shows the comparison item rows. See below for a demonstration.
  • description: Show the level description; accepts “true” or “false” (default: true).
  • discount_code: Optionally apply a discount code to your membership level pricing. accepts the discount code (default: none).
  • expiration: Show the level expiration; accepts “true” or “false” (default: true).
  • levels: A comma-separated list of membership level IDs to display, in the order you want to display them; can be a single level ID (default: all levels ordered by ascending ID).
  • layout: How to display the levels; accepts “div”, “table”, “2col”, “3col”, “4col” or “compare_table” (default: div).
  • price: How to display the level cost text. accepts “full”, “short” or “hide” (default: short).
  • renew_button: The button text for the action button shown to existing members with an expiring level (default: Renew).
  • template: Specify an integrated theme framework to inherit formatting. accepts “bootstrap”, “genesis”, “woo themes”, “gantry”, “pagelines” or “foundation” (default: none).

How to Set Up the Comparison Table Items

The unique shortcode attribute “compare” allows you to specify the rows of comparison items and display a checkmark, leave blank, or custom text for each level in your comparison table layout.

Here’s a sample of the “compare” attribute:
[pmpro_advanced_levels layout="compare_table" compare="Compare Item 1,1,1;Compare Item 2,0,1;Compare Item 3,0,1;Numerical Thing,10 Things,20 Things"]

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