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LearnDash LMS Achievements GPL – LearnDash Achievements is perfect for those who want to award badges to their learners to recognize the progress and effort that they are putting into your courses, but without a lot of configuration.


Last Updated - 8 December 2024 @ 11:16 AM  » Changelog


LearnDash LMS Achievements GPL

LearnDash LMS Achievements GPL – LearnDash Achievements is perfect for those who want to award badges to their learners to recognize the progress and effort that they are putting into your courses, but without a lot of configuration.

LearnDash LMS Achievements GPL Overview:

We are pleased to announce that our new plugin, a gamification add-on for LearnDash, has been officially launched!

LearnDash Achievements is perfect for those who want to award badges to their learners to recognize the progress and effort that they are putting into your courses, but without a lot of configuration.

After months of trial testing, we can confidently say that LearnDash Achievements is a lightweight, high-performance solution for your online course gamification needs.

Adding gamification elements, even small ones, to your online courses improves the learner experience. With the LearnDash Achievements free add-on, you can add these elements in just a few clicks!

Award your learners when they do any of the following in a course:

  • User enrolls into a group
  • User enrolls into a course
  • User completes a course
  • User completes a lesson
  • User completes a topic
  • User passes a quiz
  • User fails a quiz
  • User completes a quiz
  • User uploads an assignment
  • User’s assignment is approved
  • User’s essay question has been graded.

When your learners successfully complete the trigger, their earned badge will display for them on screen.

True gamification extends beyond the course!

Giving your learners badges and points for completing course tasks is a great place to start, but a comprehensive gamification program extends beyond course material and to other activities that are completed.

With this in mind, we have also made it possible to award your learners for non-course activities, including:

  • User registration
  • User logs in
  • User adds a post
  • User adds a comment
  • User visits a post
  • User’s post gets visited

For example, you can have an article on your site that you encourage your learner’s to read. If they go to that page, then they receive points or a badge. Then you can give them more points if they leave a comment on the article itself!

This is a perfect way to take learning out of the course and into other areas of your site for an immersive learning experience!

If you have a valid license for LearnDash, then you will see the free LearnDash Achievements add-on listed under LEARNDASH LMS > ADD-ONS.

In the top-right of the screen, click the “Check Updates” button.

Locate LearnDash Achieveemnts and click “Install” and then “Activate”.

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