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GamiPress Easy Digital Downloads Discounts GPL – give you the ability to award your customers with discounts that will be applied to the Easy Digital Downloads cart automatically for completing achievements.


Last Updated - 27 May 2023 @ 10:11 AM  » Changelog


GamiPress Easy Digital Downloads Discounts GPL

GamiPress Easy Digital Downloads Discounts GPL – give you the ability to award your customers with discounts that will be applied to the Easy Digital Downloads cart automatically for completing achievements.

Try to use B5E0B5F8DD8689E6ACA49DD6E6E1A930. Please install the Advanced Ads plugin before installing this add-on.

GamiPress Easy Digital Downloads Discounts GPL Overview:

  • Easy Digital Downloads Discounts give you the ability to award your customers with discounts that will be applied to the Easy Digital Downloads cart automatically for completing achievements.
  • In just a few minutes, you can award your users 20% off for commenting on a post or $10 off for purchasing products.
  • Just define the achievement and users who meet all the requirements will receive the discount automatically.

GamiPress Easy Digital Downloads Discounts GPL Features

  • Ability to award with discount users who meet all the requirements of an achievement.
  • Discounts can be configured as percentages or as a fixed amounts.
  • Discounts can be applied to many products as you want.
  • Ability to limit the total number of uses.
  • Ability to limit the maximum number of uses per user.
  • Price will be updated at frontend with old and new prices.

GamiPress Easy Digital Downloads Discounts GPL Configuring a discount

On each achievement edit screen you will see a new box with the title “Award a discount”. Just checking the option “Award users that earn this achievement with a discount?” you will be able to configure the discount that will be served when the achievement gets completed.

Discount Type
Type of this discount. Available options are: Fixed Price and Percentage Price.

Amount of discount to apply. If you set Discount Type as Fixed Price this amount will be applied as a flat amount. If you set Discount Type as Percentage Price this amount will be applied as a percentage. In both cases, you do not need to enter any symbol (currency or %).

Apply to all downloads
Checking this option will apply the discount to all downloads.


Note: You can exclude downloads through the “Downloads Excluded”.

Downloads (Only if Apply to all downloads is not checked)
Downloads where discounts will be applied.

Downloads Excluded (Only if Apply to all downloads is checked)
Downloads excluded to be discounted.

Maximum uses
Maximum number of uses (set 0 for no maximum).

Maximum uses per user
Maximum number of uses per user (set 0 for no maximum).

Label to show on fees.

Announcing available discounts

WooCommerce Discounts adds the paratemer downloads_discounts to the [gamipress_achievement] shortcode which accepts yes and no as value. By default this parameters is setup as yes.

[gamipress_achievement downloads_discounts="yes"]

Also, on the GamiPress: Achievement widget will appear the Show Discounts option to let you enable or disable it.

Both methods will output a list of the discounted products as well as the discount amount:

Additional information

. - Compatible with

. - Product type

. - License

. - Brands

. - Update



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