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Admin Columns Pro Meta Box already proved itself as one of the major plugins to manage Custom Fields on WordPress websites.

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Last Updated - 25 January 2023 @ 12:40 AM  » Changelog


Admin Columns Pro Meta Box

With the Meta Box integration for Admin Columns Pro, you’ll be able to customize the WordPress list tables for any post type, user or taxonomy by adding columns for the fields defined in your meta boxes. And with the power of the Admin Columns pro features, you’ll be able to easily search, edit, sort and export your data right from the overview pages.

Creating columns for Meta Box fields

With Admin Columns you can create a column for every supported Meta Box field. All supported fields are listed in the Column Type drop down and grouped in its own Meta Box group. The following Meta Box Fields are supported: TextNumberURLEmailRangeText ListCheckboxCheckbox ListButtonRadioSelectSelect AdvancedTextareaImage SelectColorOEmbedSliderWYSIWYGAutocompleteFieldset TextMapOpenStreetMapDateDate TimeTimePostTaxonomyTaxonomy AdvancedUserHTML FileFile InputFile AdvancedImage AdvancedHTML ImageVideoBackgroundKeyValue.

Search Meta Box content on the list table

Once you’ve created columns for your Meta Box fields, you can easily search the content of those fields, right from the overview with our Smart Filters. Admin Columns will recognize the settings of the fields to serve you with the best user interface for the related fields. Search text fields for words or specific strings. Number fields can be searched within range, for example ‘Pages between 100 and 200’. You can easily search dates within a specific range, from a specific date or simple dates that are in the past or future.Last but not least, you can search relational fields on specific relations. Let’s say you have an ‘Author’ field that contains a relation to the user table. With our Smart Filters, you can easily filter all posts that have a specific author by selecting the author from the list from available authors.

Quick Edit Meta Box data

The “Inline Edit’ feature allows you to update the data of your columns/fields right from the WordPress list tables. So no need to enter the edit post page anymore to edit just a simple field. This feature saves you a lot of time when you often change specific data for your posts.

Everything that can be edited with our inline edit feature can also be edited in bulk. Just check the posts you like to edit and click on the ‘Bulk Edit’ button to change the data for the selected rows.

Export Meta Box fields to CSV

Easily export all the data from the overview to a CSV file. Of course, export works for multi-page and it will take any sorting or filter actions into account. This makes it great to only export data for specific posts with specific data.

Support for Meta Box extensions

The meta box toolkit consists of the main plugin with lots of free and paid extensions that are available on their website. We picked the most popular and suitable extensions from Meta Box and made it compatible with our integration as well. The following extensions are supported:

  • MB Custom Table (Store custom field in custom tables in the database)
  • MB Term Meta (Support for the Taxonomy overview pages)
  • MB User Meta (Support for the User overview page)
  • MB Comment Meta (Support for the Comment overview page)

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