7 Must-Have WordPress Plugins For Your WordPress Site
What Is WooCommerce? List of Top 13 WooCommerce PluginTo Extend the Functionality of your site, there are tons of WordPress plugins available in the marketplace. Currently, this platform is powering more than 75 million sites that are available over the internet. There are a few WordPress plugins that have created overhype in the marketplace. Out of tons of free and premium plugins, few plugins are hand-picked by the experts as best. To run a successful WordPress site, you need plugins for SEO, social media, backups, speed, etc. With the right set of plugins, you will be able to take your website to the next level. In this post, we are going to share the details of the 7 must-have plugins for your WordPress site. So, let’s get started!
Set of Necessary WordPress Plugins for Your Site
Yoast SEO Plugin
SEO is the backbone of every site. To optimize the pages and blog posts of your site, SEO plugin is an essential plugin that you need to have. Yoast plugin is considered as the first and foremost choice for SEO of WordPress sites. This powerful and easy to use SEO Plugin is bundled with more than enough features to improve the ranking of your site. The premium features of this plugin include better keyword optimization, redirect manager tool, stale cornerstone tool, orphaned content tool, internal linking suggestions, and many more. The free version of this plugin is also used but the premium version of this plugin will unlock advanced features to bring the ranking of your site on the first page of Google.
Elementor Pro Plugin
Elementor Pro is one of the best WordPress page builders. This simple, flexible, and powerful page builder was launched in the year of 2016 by the team of Pojo Themes. Since that time, it is constantly updated with all the latest features to efficiently meet the needs and requirements of the users. Currently, this page builder is powering up more than 5 million websites to build up a fully functional site. And you must have heard that number don’t lie and this is true! The advanced features of Elementor Pro Plugin are attracting users to get it. The most highlighted feature of this plugin is the true drag and drop user interface that comes with it. To meet the designing and development needs of your WordPress site, this page builder is the best.
WP Rocket Plugin
When your website performance gets degraded, then the very possible reason behind it can be the cache. So, this is where the cache plugin comes into play. The WP Rocket plugin is considered as one of the best and powerful caching plugins. It will improve the performance of your website by transforming it into a fast loading site. The WP Rocket Plugin creates a cache of the static file of your blog posts, and when a user accesses the post-it serves it directly from the cache folder. To reduce the load on your website server, a caching plugin is essential and this is the right choice.
Redirection WordPress Plugin
When we are going through the must-have plugins for your WordPress site, then we can’t afford to miss out on the Redirection WordPress Plugin. This is the plugin that is considered as the easiest way to redirect URLs on your WordPress site. We all are aware of the fact that the 404 error is making major contributions to disturb the user experience. The bad user experience is what Google hates the most. And this ultimately affects the ranking of your site. To get rid of 404 Error, install and activate the Redirection WordPress Plugin. This plugin will show you a list of pages that are 404s, and all you need to do is enter the URL where you want the plugin to redirect the visitor.
WP Forms Plugin
When it comes to the form builder plugin, then the WP Forms Plugin is considered as one of the competitive form builders for WordPress. There are tons of form builder plugins available in the marketplace but none of them are as good as WP Forms Plugin. With this powerful page builder, you will be able to create an unlimited number of interactive and engaging forms for your site. To add advancement to the contact form of your site, you can also use conditional logic as it will let you control the field visibility. You also have the option to add an upload field to the form and this will enable you to accept files from your site users. There are tons of advanced features that are complemented with this plugin that you need to check out.
WP Smush Pro Plugin
To make the blog posts of your site more engaging and interactive for your site visitors, you obviously need to add graphics. But the use of images makes your site heavy and ultimately reduces the loading speed of your site. So, here is the WP Smush Pro Plugin to get rid of this issue. This WordPress plugin performs image compression for your WordPress site. Adding high-quality content with high-quality images is really very important as this is what your site visitors love. But don’t allow the large images to take a toll on your page-loading speed. And this is possible with this WP Smush Pro Plugin.
Duplicator Plugin
The Duplicator Plugin is one of the most used WordPress Migration Plugins. The role of migration plugin is to migrate, copy, move, or clone a site from one location to another. This plugin also serves as a simple backup utility for WordPress users. Not only this, but this plugin WordPress is also considered as one of the most powerful migrators that are available in the marketplace. You will also find out that this impressive migrator is power-packed with a number of advanced features. With the support of this WordPress Migration Plugin, the users will be able to preconfigure sites to eliminate rework. This way, they will be able to get rid of the daunting task of manual configuration.
This is the set of plugins that you obviously need for your WordPress site. These plugins will positively contribute to extending the overall functionality of your site.